


生物系提供各种课程,包括普通生物学、解剖学 & 生理学、动物学、微生物学和遗传学. There are courses set up specifically for programs such as the Mayo Health-Related Programs, 生物传递途径, 与环境科学专业. Most 生物学 courses include both lecture and lab experience for the best hands-on training.  以下是带有目录说明的课程列表.

The instructors in the 生物系 are enthusiastic and ready to teach the students principles and procedures using state-of-the-art equipment and technology.  They have a wide range of credentials and are able to share how the students’ education will be necessary in their future careers.

Through completion of their academic path in 生物学, students will develop the ability to:

  • Explain the scientific method and demonstrate the ability to apply all aspects of it during the scientific investigation.
  • 展示理解和应用生物学概念和过程的能力.
  • 在实验室中正确使用仪器和技术.
  • 具备独立工作和协同工作的能力.
  • 作为一名生物学学生,表现出负责任的行为和投入.



This is a one-semester course that introduces students to applied aspects of environmental science. 它为学生提供了生态学概念的广泛概述, 生物及其物理环境之间的系统和相互关系, 以及环境科学的当前问题. Students will examine humans’ role in the natural world and the impact of the 增长 of the human 人口 and the increase in humans’ technological ability to make changes in the world. 学生将被鼓励去探索社会, 政治, 经济, 个人价值体系也会考虑到环境问题. 更多的信息

BIOL 1101生物学原理
A one-semester course for non-science majors that blends traditional and contemporary 生物 concepts for understanding life in today’s world. 科学和科学方法, 生命的本质, 细胞结构与功能, 细胞繁殖, 基因遗传, 人类基因分析, 生物技术, 以及进化. Students will evaluate ethical issues of some 生物, genetic, and 生物技术 applications. This course will serve as an introduction to 细胞 biology to prepare for further study in biology-related or health-related fields. 实验室出勤是强制性的. 更多的信息

本课程涵盖植物生物学的基础知识, 侧重于植物的各种类型和植物的基本解剖和生理. The course is also designed to promote an awareness of the significance of plants in the natural processes of our biosphere and specifically for humans. 学生将面临思考植物在决策中的重要性的挑战, 来自个人, 社会伦理选择, 经济, 以及决策选择. 更多的信息

解剖学基础 & 生理学
This one-semester course provides a comprehensive overview of introductory human 解剖学 and physiology of the major body systems. 这门课程向学生介绍生物分子, 细胞, 组织, 人体的器官系统,并结合医学术语. 实验课程不包括有机体的物理解剖. 更多的信息

这门课程是一个学期的人体生物学研究. Each of the component systems will be studied in order to develop an understanding of how each part contributes to the whole. 这些知识将应用于当前健康和社会问题的分析. 实验课程的设计与讲座主题相关联. 包括适当动物标本的解剖. 更多的信息

BIOL 1200临床/研究实验室简介
This course is for students currently employed in or ultimately seeking employment in a clinical or research laboratory with a health care focus. This course is specifically designed for students in the Biotechnology and Laboratory Science programs at 皇冠hg2020手机app下载. 本课程的目标是让学生熟悉钥匙的秘密用法, documentation and safety issues encountered when working with patient samples in a clinical or research laboratory. 更多的信息

BIOL 1211营养学原理
This course covers the science of foods and their structures and functions within the human body, 提供人类营养需求和过程的知识和意识. Specific focus will target 生物 requirements needed in the human body to provide energy and structural materials and to regulate the 增长, 维护, 以及人体组织的修复贯穿于人类生活的各个阶段. The course will enable students to develop foundational knowledge to establish and make informed nutritional choices and understand the role of nutrition in personal, 社会, 以及全球问题. 更多的信息

本课程涵盖心血管和淋巴系统的解剖学和生理学. 具有大学水平的阅读和写作能力,具有基本的代数知识. 更多的信息

神经解剖学和生理学 & 呼吸系统
本课程将详细介绍神经系统的解剖学和生理学 & 呼吸系统. 更多的信息

BIOL 1217解剖学 & 生理学我
本课程是两个学期的解剖学和生理学课程的第一部分. 本课程着重于细胞的结构和功能, 组织, 与生物功能相关的化学, 新陈代谢, 以及主要的器官系统,包括内脏系统, 肌肉和骨骼系统, 心血管系统, 血液,淋巴和免疫系统. 更多的信息

BIOL 1218解剖学 & 生理学二世
本课程是两个学期的解剖学和生理学课程的第二部分. This course covers the nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. 代谢和液体,酸/碱和电解质平衡也进行了讨论. 大学水平的阅读和写作能力是必要的. 更多的信息

本课程是生物学两门入门课程之一.  这是一种以细胞为基础的生物学基本原理的方法, 它解决了分子层面的基本生命过程, 细胞, 组织, 以及组织层面, 进化原理, 生物体之间的相互作用. 更多的信息

本课程是两门生物学入门课程之一. It is an organism-based study of the diversity of living organisms including the structure and function of organisms to incorporate how they carry out basic life processes (e.g.、气体交换、营养). Students study comparative 解剖学 and physiology and the 进化ary history and relationships among organisms, 解决关键适应选定生物体的生存. 更多的信息

biol1300 GIS技术的生物学应用
本课程将教授地理信息系统(GIS)的使用和应用。, 为存储而设计的计算机系统, 检索, 以及地理参考数据的分析.  Applications of GIS 技术 will include using analytical tools to explore at a scientific level the spatial relationships, 模式, 生物体的过程与环境的关系, 生物, 人口, 地理, 以及物理现象. 这门课程将是计算机密集型的,并以项目为基础. 更多的信息

本课程将提供对环境科学领域的理解和接触, 网络, 恢复建设, 生涯探索, 以及实习机会, as well as aid in students’ ability to apply scientific principles to various environmental science issues. It will introduce students to important research papers in the field of environmental science and 生态. 这些经验旨在帮助学生为未来的实地经验做好准备, 工作, 和/或继续教育. 更多的信息

BIOL 2000生态学
本课程讲授有机生物学的基本原理, 人口, 社区, 生态系统生态学, 重点是应用生态学. The course is designed so that at the conclusion of the course students will have an appreciation and understanding of the principles of 生态 and be able to: (1) explain the various biotic and abiotic forces acting on an organism in its natural environment, (2)确定这些力在不同条件下的重要性, (3)预测人类活动如何改变这些力量的影响. The lab portion of this course reemphasizes lecture concepts and offers hands-on experience with the concepts in the lab and/or field setting. 更多的信息

这是一个学期, lab-intensive course for students currently employed in or ultimately seeking employment in a clinical or research laboratory with a health care focus. 本课程是专门为皇冠hg2020手机app下载生物技术专业的学生设计的. The goal of this course is to provide the student with both a conceptual and practical understanding of basic lab techniques with particular emphasis on developing the skills to perform these specific techniques independently upon completion of the course. 更多的信息

BIOL 2021普通微生物学
This is an introductory microbiology course covering the following topics: prokaryotic cell structure, 新陈代谢, 增长, 遗传学, pathogenesis; viruses; the eukaryotic microbes, 真菌, and protozoa; epidemiology, 微生物生长控制, 特异性和非特异性免疫, 免疫失调. 学生必须以C或更高的成绩完成必修课程. 更多的信息

BIOL 2200普通动物学
本课程是一门皇冠hg2020app下载分类的概论课程, 进化, 生态, 解剖学, 以及动物生理学. The lab portion of this course reemphasizes lecture concepts and offers hands-on experience with representative members of organisms studied in the lecture. 更多的信息

BIOL 2300遗传学
This course presents the fundamental concepts of classical transmission 遗传学 and modern molecular 遗传学. 主题包括孟德尔遗传学, 链接和映射, 染色体异常, 种群与进化遗传学, 生物技术, 核酸分析. 更多的信息
